If you want to know how to use Diablo 4's Legendary Gear, turn on this optional setting immediately.

If you want to know how to use Diablo 4's Legendary Gear, turn on this optional setting immediately.

Legendary gear is dropping more and more frequently on my leveling journey in Diablo 4. It is exciting to see orange loot popping out of chests, but also deeply unsettling. I only have a few of these loot items now, and I want to use them in the most efficient way possible. Are these boots really any good? Or should I take them apart and use them as materials?

Luckily, it turns out that there is a setting in Diablo 4's options menu that makes that decision much easier: I found mention of this setting in the comments of an unrelated thread on the Diablo 4 subreddit, and in the replies I found its existence and Not a few people were happy about it.

If you too are suffering from decision paralysis over legendary loot, go to Gameplay Options and enable "Advanced Tooltip Info". Checking this will allow additional information to appear in the tooltip on the inventory screen. Specifically, it will show the range of statuses that equipment may drop. [This is a pretty nice effect, considering that we are using Fundamental Puncture as our base skill. However, the advanced tooltip shows that the rate of change is quite middling.

The advanced tooltip shows the full skill range of the equipment, and in my opinion is most useful for deciding the main question surrounding Legendary: extraction or salvage?

Knowing the potential status range of a legendary effect gives me a better idea of whether I should leave it for the endgame. Given that an extracted aspect can only be used once - it cannot be re-extracted for later distribution - it makes sense to keep only the best rolled aspect for use in the final endgame build. This is a good thing. Because except for the most optimally rolled cases, the rest can be salvaged with confidence. That way, not only do you have the materials needed to imprint the aspect later, but you can add the look of that gear to your transmog wardrobe. In a battle of combat effects and drips, I choose fashion every time.

By extracting only the most theoretically primo aspects, you also save on gold costs.
