'Horse Found to Kill': This Innocent Diablo 4 Stallion Is the Final Target of the Worst Feats

'Horse Found to Kill': This Innocent Diablo 4 Stallion Is the Final Target of the Worst Feats

Diablo 4 has been out for over a week now, and one of its occasional delights is the wild. The fauna glimpsed among the beasts of hell, the cute little bunnies sniffing for food as the battle between good and evil rages on around them. Inevitably, there will be collateral damage as you and your infernal army spread the AoE throughout the Sanctuary. You won't shed a tear for the thousands of ghouls slaughtered, but the fluffy corpses caught in the crossfire will surely melt the heart of any daemon hunter.

Blizzard, for reasons best known to itself, has decided that the job deserves what it calls the game's worst achievement: endangered species. The achievement presents a list of the various wild animals in the game that the player must accomplish, and given such instructions, Sanctuary's deadliest minmaxers set out to hunt innocent wild animals that have nothing to do with heaven or hell.

Diablo 4 launched on June 6, and the only thing I can say for our animal friends is that they had a good trip. During the first few days, sheep, chickens, goats and donkeys were shorn by the truckload, but a few brave animals managed to go undetected. There is a thread on the subreddit that tracks their progress, and the day-by-day updates make for somewhat sobering reading:

You've earned your extra life, thumper. As these entries suggest, the last holdout was a horse. A horse that has done nothing wrong.

Then, 23 hours ago, disaster struck. Entering "horse found available for slaughter," Somebody Dead published the horse's location and image. The horse was trapped in a stable and unable to even run.

They were relentless. Says jakuri69, "[As a Sorcerer] you stand at the north exit, face the city, activate Unstable Currents, stand there, spam Arc Lash and cast Lightning Spears." GreenIVIMachine says, "and smashes the druid with Side of the Shockwave, taking care of the horse." jakuri69 says, "and then he casts Lightning Spears," jakuri69 says. Necros uses Blood Wave. They say that even a level 1 rogue can do something about it.

This is the fate of this particular video game horse. Locked in a stable, never free to roam, waiting for the souped-up Diablo 4 "heroes" to walk by in an endless procession... I know Diablo is a gruesome place, but this is ...... Hey, someone call PETA (please don't).

Horse-killing aside, the biggest Diablo 4 news of the weekend was the discovery of the biggest hat in the series. Thanks to a barbarian named Spiny Winnie, the game's toughest boss finally went down hardcore, and PC Gamer's review, which is out now, found so much to love about the game that Tyler Korpp found it "almost buried the game's greatness," but also . almost buried the game's greatness."
