Diablo 3's "Hidden Camp" Found in Diablo 4

Diablo 3's "Hidden Camp" Found in Diablo 4

"Diablo" games are well known for callbacks and Easter eggs dating back to the secret cattle level of Diablo 2. Diablo 4 is no exception: some are obvious and can't be missed, like the return of the original Diablo music in the game's first act, while others are better hidden.

The hidden camp is a good example of the latter. This town, which players first encounter in the second act of Diablo 3, is recreated in Diablo 4, but somehow went unnoticed (or at least unreported) until now. However, redditor Fearlessmojo discovered it and shared the evidence on the Diablo 4 subreddit.

The video may seem a bit confusing at first. The first brightly colored video is from Diablo 3, and at the 30 second mark, the video switches to the calmer colors of Diablo 4. Also, as in Diablo 4, the passage of time does not treat this camp well: it is completely destroyed and abandoned.

The Reddit post does not give any details about where the hidden camp is or how Fearlessmojo found it." I was a little confused because I first noticed the non-interactive waypoint, but then it clicked!" They write.

Seems a bit disturbing, doesn't it?

This isn't the only callback to past Diablo games. The Butcher, the first fear-inducing boss of the original Diablo, is also back and can spawn at any time in the dungeon, making it literally worse than ever. But, like the old-school music that plays early in Diablo 4, he is basically inevitable: sooner or later, everyone will see him. Meanwhile, the discovery of Hidden Camp has led players to wonder about other secrets that may be hidden in Diablo 4, specifically the cow level somewhere.

For those unfamiliar with the old lore, the original Diablo was rumored to have a secret "cow level" that players could access by clicking on one of the cows in Tristram a certain number of times. While no such level existed (the Internet did not yet exist at the time, so a more novel way to torment fellow gamers had to be devised), the story persisted, and Blizzard actually brought a secret cow level to Diablo 2, a cow in hell led by the Cow King The story became so famous that Blizzard actually included a secret cow level in Diablo 2, the Moo Moo Farm, filled with bovines from hell, led by the Cow King.

Diablo 4 GM Rod Fergusson had previously stated that there would be no cow level in Diablo 4, but acknowledged the possibility of adding one in the future. However, not everyone is convinced - in part because of this in-game message posted by redditor The_Russman.

"The bull gods stand as guardians of this sacred spring. It is said that whoever offers an offering of value purified by these waters will obtain their blessing."

Without context, it's harmless flavor text, but with context, dozens of redditors believe the truth is out there and try hard to decipher the code.

Another big callback to previous games is also floating around out there, but it's much rarer and harder to find: the Harlequin Crest is the best hat in Diablo history, ported from past Diablo to the new Diablo. It is extremely useful for all classes and also surprisingly hard to find. Currently, it is assumed that you must be at least level 90 to have a chance of dropping it.
