Diablo 4's most fearsome bosses are responsible for 2% of all player deaths

Diablo 4's most fearsome bosses are responsible for 2% of all player deaths

Raise your hand if you've been slaughtered by a butcher in Diablo 4. So have I. According to Blizzard's recent infographic, there are millions of us out there.

In the first week after Diablo 4's launch (including early access), 5.8 million players were ripped to shreds by one of Diablo's most iconic bosses. The Butcher can appear at any time in any dungeon and will chase you (or someone in your party) until you die. The difficulty of the enemies varies with level, so the big guys are always a threat.

The Butcher accounts for 1.8% of all player deaths in Diablo 4 (excluding PvP deaths). Although he is not an Uber Lilith, he is a close second on the Tier List of threatening boss fights in Diablo 4.

Blizzard's stats don't have enough information to figure out if he is the most deadly boss in the game, but I wouldn't be surprised if he carried that title. Butcher doesn't care about your level or how prepared you are. If he is not the deadliest boss, he is certainly the most fearsome.

The Butcher has been farming players since Diablo 1 in 1997, and in every Diablo game except Diablo 2, you can hear him exclaim, "Fresh meat! in every Diablo film except Diablo 2. Not much has changed in the 26 years since his debut. In Diablo 4, he can chainhook you to draw you in or rush in to do some serious damage. He is especially adept at crushing ranged classes like the Sorcerer, and according to Blizzard statistics, the Sorcerer is the most popular class in the game.

Hardcore players, who risk losing their character permanently upon death, get special credit for defeating him. If I were playing hardcore, I would simply stick him on a chest or pillar, as I would hate the most to have a fair fight with this jerk.
