Increase your female allies with the "Morrowind" mod "Feminist Nerevarine".

Increase your female allies with the "Morrowind" mod "Feminist Nerevarine".

Morrowind is one of the most modded role-playing games, and many of its mods focus on major changes such as overhauling the UI or adding new locations, or fun but absurd technical upgrades such as overall restructuring, adding footprints upgrades.

On the other hand, some make smaller tweaks, such as AliceL93's "Feminist Nerevarine" mod. The title is a bit exaggerated and does not rewrite Morrowind into a feminist parable, but by changing some quest options, it highlights the number of times Morrowind did not give us the option to side with women in controversy or be polite .

"In some quests in Morrowind," wrote AliceL93, "there was no opportunity to take the woman's side in a gender conflict." In other quests, if a woman demanded something from you and you wanted to refuse it, the game forced it upon you in a disrespectful manner. There were also quests where a man overstepped a woman's boundaries, and there was no opportunity to refuse to help him."

For example, one quest involved a man named Aengoth stealing naughty adult books from a woman so that he could use them as blackmail material against her family. The mod adds the option of refusing to give him the book and holding on to it, under the claim that he will not allow the woman to blackmail him in his private life.

"The characters in these quests do not necessarily have to agree with you if you take these options," AliceL93 wrote. For example, if you refuse to give them the book, Aengoth will scold you that such an attitude will not make you popular in the Thieves' Guild and even imply that he will hire someone to steal the book from you." I thought it was important to keep these characters true to Bethesda's vision. So this mod allows you to roleplay a "feminist" and offers new options, but the game world doesn't necessarily have to agree with you."

This is a good thing. For example, many people would want to admonish a pervert who tries to get someone to use a love potion without their consent. That guy is a bad guy.

Here's the full list of changes:

Such is the theme of the AliceL93 mod, and they span the political spectrum: Anarchist, Communist, Libertarian, Imperialist, Nationalist role-playing mods have also been uploaded. The latter two prevent the main quest from "bullying" the player from "loyal servants of the empire" or "dammar nationalists."
