Overwatch 2" continues to be disappointing, forcing the unavailability of two new maps.

Overwatch 2" continues to be disappointing, forcing the unavailability of two new maps.

"To investigate performance issues when playing certain heroes, Paríaso and Antarctica: Pennesula [sic] maps have been

This has been made unusable.

This is like a sprinkle on the cherry to cap off the worst month in Overwatch 2 history. We won't get the long-awaited Hero Mode in Overwatch 2, which many thought was the whole reason to have Overwatch 2. In fact, you'll be paying $15 for the cooperative PvE story missions that will appear in "Overwatch 2: Invasion," which you've been waiting for since 2019.

And well, now two of the new Overwatch 2 maps won't work. Say goodbye to Antarctica: Peninsula and Pariaso until they figure out the pesky bug.

Paríaso was introduced at the launch of Overwatch 2, while Antarctica: Peninsula was just released in February: Peninsula was just released in February of this year. The reason, apparently, is that there is a bug involving the character Mercy's weapon switching that slows down game performance to the point where everyone in the game lobby is stuttering at low frames. The trolls who exploited this bug (naturally) took an entire group of other players hostage and exploited this bug on purpose.

This is another straw from the proverbial camel's back, and another frustrating moment for a game where many players think the development team can no longer get things done.

"Given that my faith in the team's ability to deliver on its promises is at an all-time low, I knew Blizzard would not be asking for more money for this special occasion," PC Gamer's Tyler Colp stated.

For my part, I think Tyler is probably right. People who started playing Overwatch are enjoying the game because it is a departure from the fast-paced, militaristic shooters that dominated the genre that they would have enjoyed. They are drawn to the hopeful future that Overwatch is selling.

Now, leaving that to Tyler, "Seven years later, and now with a free-to-play sequel, those hopeful players are the primary target of the live service monetization model for Overwatch 2. With paid heroes, paid battle passes, paid skins, and now a paid co-op mode, the bazaar-like user experience of "Overwatch 2" makes me seriously miss the days when playing "Overwatch" for "free" simply meant ignoring the loot box It makes me.
