Diablo 4 Director: "It's Buffing Time!

Diablo 4 Director: "It's Buffing Time!

Druids and necromancers got some buffs, but otherwise the first two weeks of Diablo 4 were characterized by major nerfs as Blizzard weakened builds that deviated from a "reasonable range" and downgraded the best XP farming sites with hot fixes . And now things seem to be going in a different direction.

As Associate Production Director Tiffany Wat said in today's Diablo 4 Campfire Chat, a "chomping at the bit patch" is on the way, and Game Director Joe Shely says buffs will be one of its themes.

"Our philosophy is to prioritize improving (player) choices by looking at what isn't working and making it better. When I came here today, I didn't have a shirt like this, but I thought about buying a shirt and writing 'It's time to buff' on it. ' I didn't do that, but it's time to buff."

Later in the stream, Shely said that future patches will include "various buffs" that will affect "many things across many classes." One example he got was that builds that struggle with resource generation "should keep an eye out for things that address that," but specific buff details were sparse except for one about nightmare dungeons.

It seems a bit odd that a type of dungeon would be "buffed," but in this case it refers to how efficiently players can earn XP by running the dungeon. Franchise GM Rod Fergusson explained in the streaming that normal dungeons are currently better suited for XP farming spots than endgame nightmare dungeons because they spawn a lot of elite enemies. Shelley does not want that either.

"We want to make [nightmare] dungeons the best place to farm, including if you want to farm a dungeon over and over again or if you want to loop a dungeon," Shely said. To that end, they plan to create waypoints where crests can teleport to, eliminate travel time to nightmare dungeons, and increase the amount of XP gained from crests; they plan to make these changes soon, before the first season begins in mid-to-late July.

However, the nerfs are not over, and Fergusson said that even players who believe that there is "no meta" in Diablo 4 and that all builds should be viable will find that when their class is nerfed to achieve that goal, the tables He joked that it could be turned upside down, but stated that it must be done. The same goes for nerfing easy XP farming spots.

"I remember 'Destiny 2' had loot caves. 'There's a loot cave, we'll sit here and collect loot. ' It's not sustainable. For the sake of the game, it has to cease to exist at some point.'

Shelley also responded to players who wanted to address the imbalance by buffing everyone else's classes instead of nerfing their own.

"In theory you could do that, but if you have many classes and many builds and one that is too strong, the process of buffing everything else is, A, likely to cause more balance issues because you are changing so many things at once. So, yes, we must nerf things from time to time.

In today's livestream, we heard how Blizzard plans to prevent deaths due to disconnections in hardcore mode, and an upcoming (but still far off) adjustment to the way gems work that may please players who struggle with inventory space We also asked about.
