Square Enix commissions an actual swordsmith to create a giant Final Fantasy 16 weapon to be displayed at the Tower of London, winning today's stunt.

Square Enix commissions an actual swordsmith to create a giant Final Fantasy 16 weapon to be displayed at the Tower of London, winning today's stunt.

The most sobering news of the day is that Square Enix has decided to actually forge the protagonist's sword and put it on display at the Tower of London, not to mention the big bucks they are spending on the Final Fantasy 16 marketing campaign. The exhibit will run for a month and represents a partnership with the Royal Arms Depository.

To be fair, the Royal Armories is a serious and renowned museum that houses and displays the British national collection of historical arms, armor, and cannons. It manages the White Tower at the Tower of London and also operates two other national museums. The Final Fantasy 16 sword, named "Invictus," will be on display on the ground floor of the White Tower for the next month. The White Tower is believed to be the place where Guy Fawkes was tortured to death (before being executed). A press release from Square Enix stated with delight, "This is the first time a sword made from a video game has been housed in the royal armory along with the armor that once belonged to the king."

In other words, indeed. The sword, which took sword smith Todeschini several months to craft, is, it must be said, an excellent replica of the item in the game. The lower part of the blade was cut from solid steel using a belt finisher and a hand grinder, and a long steel peg was welded from the ridge of the blade to the end of the hilt. The top of the blade was made from two hollow shells, welded together, and cleaned with a belt grinder and hand grinder." The final detail of the blade top was formed and spot welded to complete the blade.

Foolish marketing stunts aside, Final Fantasy 16 looks like it means business: PC Gamer's Mollie Taylor fell in love with the recent demo, but it is still unclear when the game will eventually be released on PC. Square Enix previously announced a PC version of the game, but it has since gone unannounced, so it's likely to be a long wait from a mood-music perspective. Nevertheless, no matter how good the game turns out to be, the main male character's name is "Clive," which is laughable.
