Diablo 4's best players say loot filter "needs to happen soon"

Diablo 4's best players say loot filter "needs to happen soon"

This is a made-up accolade, of course, but there are strong arguments for Wudijo being the best Diablo 4 player. Hell, the German Scourge was a veteran Diablo 3 streamer and became the first player to reach level 100 solo in Diablo 4's hardcore mode (he was also the first player to solo the world boss Ashaba). Demon: After a day's work by this guy, there are a lot fewer demons around.

Wudijo has been omnipresent in the Diablo 4 community both before and after launch, and has recently answered many questions on the Diablo 4 subreddit (his favorite breakfast is "Nutella on bread," suggesting my daughter may grow up to be an ARPG badass). Whereas most of us players are passionate about games like Diablo 4 (well, just me), he's very clinical about what works, what doesn't, and why. outside of Blizzard, he knows more about Diablo 4 than Wudijo does. It would be amazing if anyone out there knows more about Diablo 4 than Wudijo.

One of the most frustrating things players are currently complaining about is the grind, where progression becomes glacially slow around level 70." I agree that the grind becomes relatively monotonous after 70-80, where you have all the legendaries, most of the gear, the legendary paragon node, and most importantly the glyphs. Maybe "Seasonal content could introduce more ways to break up the monotonous ground, for example, more side content like Helltide. The upcoming first season release will show how far they will raise the bar."

This is a fairly positive outlook for what definitely feels like a lack of anything exciting in the game as it stands. wudijo also agrees that the Vulnerability mechanism is currently problematic. with Vulnerability, the game is not as good as it could be. players feel that if they are not using Vulnerability, their builds are automatically suboptimal. Wudijo states that "Vulnerable is so essential that literally every good build needs to have Vulnerability," and suggests ways to nerf Vulnerability while keeping it interesting, "Blizzard can make up for it with buffs in other areas."

Wudijo's main focus is Rogue because "I always like fast/agile classes" and ranks the other classes as Druid>Sorcerer>Barbarian>Necromancer; Rogue's only problem is Rain of Arrows because " because the whole animation is too long". The most fun builds? Twisting Blade, Barrage, Rapid Fire (Rogue in general is the most fun). As for hardcore modes, Wudijo is "glad they finally did something about the disconnects in Scroll of Escape. What is the endgame in Diablo 4 now?" and "Complain about nerfs on Reddit."

As for what specifically he would like to see in future endgames, Wudijo cited "more pinnacle bosses," "some sort of pinnacle dungeon," scalable seasonal content in the Nightmare dungeon, and other endgame content along the lines of Helltide He also cites the "new" game, which will be a "new" game. He also points to features that many players would agree should be added to the game. The amount of trashy loot at higher levels is overwhelming; I want the joy of seeing items of different colors flash by my choices every once in a while, instead of looking through a thousand items and selling them all." And mixed in with the minor criticisms is a major compliment: "The combat, of all the ARPGs I know, D4 is by far the best."

Finally, Udillo has a very sweet story about how he got into ARPGs in the first place: "When I was about 11, there was a guy at a LAN party playing Diablo 2. He told me about Diablo 2 and I gave it a try, and that's when I started playing ARPGs." That man, an unknown LAN legend, created a monster.
