Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg bicker over the word "sanity" and eventually agree to fight in a cage

Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg bicker over the word "sanity" and eventually agree to fight in a cage

Sigh. Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, two of the world's most high-profile and hugely funded tech titans, have been bickering over the next Meta product, and now Musk, 52, has challenged Zuckerberg, 39, to a cage fight. Musk, 52, challenged Zuckerberg, 39, to a cage fight.

It all started when Musk took offense to Meta's P92, a working title for a social media platform intended to eat Twitter's lunch; Meta confirmed to the BBC that the product was in development and that it would be available on Instagram and reported that it would integrate with certain third-party platforms like Mastodon. For Musk and his $45 billion white elephant, Twitter, this is going to be serious competition.

But what really seems to have Musk furious is a bit of recrimination from an anonymous Meta executive, who said in a staff meeting witnessed by The Verge, "We've heard from creators who are interested in having a legitimate operating platform and We're hearing from public figures. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Eron.

"Earth will have no other choice and can't wait to be under Zack's control," Musk replied, of course, on Twitter. "At least it will be 'sane.' I was worried for a second."

A pundit told Mask to be careful because Zuckerberg is now into jiu-jitsu, to which Mask replied, "If he is, I'm ready for a cage match (lol)."

Zuckerberg then replied on his social media, Instagram, with a photo of Mask's tweet and an ominous-sounding: "Send me your location." In response, Mask added, "If this is true, I'll do it," with two fire emojis, and "Vegas Octagon" (this is where the UFC's home base is located).

To be fair to the mask, he later added, "I have a great move I call the 'walrus,' where I lie on top of my opponent and do nothing." This sounds like it can incapacitate quite a few people. He then began tweeting videos of the walrus.

If it were to happen, I would bet on Zuckerberg, who seems to be a fitness fanatic and has trained in jiu-jitsu. He apparently also won a tournament in California last month, which is like Vladimir Putin's occasional judo showcase in Russia, where poor Russian FSB members dress up as jis for a day just to get thrown off by the boss?

Musk has a long history of saying ridiculous things that never come true (he told the BBC in April that he would make his dog the chief executive of Twitter). This is like, in Silicon Valley, two old silverbacks beating their chests against each other while the PR team picks up banana peels. In fact, the best part of the article is the Meta PR team's response to a request for comment on the bosses' online squabbling: "The story speaks for itself.

