Mystery of Latest "Diablo 4" Film Is Hidden Scene in Post-Credits; Players Scrambling for Answers

Mystery of Latest "Diablo 4" Film Is Hidden Scene in Post-Credits; Players Scrambling for Answers

Update: It appears that there is in fact more than one post-credits scene; according to Wowhead, avid players have discovered a total of four equally short post-credits teases. At least some of them show Mephistopheles, but I'll leave the final verdict on who these people are to wiser Diablo sages than myself.

ORIGINAL STORY: There is something so quaint and fun about one big game that everyone plays and is searching for secrets, it reminds me of people trying to find Bigfoot in "GTA: San Andreas" or unlocking Shoryu in "Street Fighter". Right now, that game is "Diablo 4," with an incredibly short, seemingly hidden post-credits scene (via GamesRadar) that is driving people into a frenzied theoretical maneuver.

As more than a few players have already seen, the existence of Diablo 4's post-credit scene became widely known earlier today, thanks to a tweet from Blizzard Jamir Blanco.

The scene in question has already been uploaded to YouTube, and in fact was uploaded before Blanco's tweet - thanks to a user named AnActualSadTaco. It can be seen below. I would write a spoiler warning here, but frankly, this scene is so quick and difficult to decipher that I don't think it's a spoiler at all.

You know what I mean? It certainly looks like a demonic villain, but in Diablo it's a dime a dozen, so I can't narrow it down. Some players think it might be Lucion, the son of Mephisto in Diablo 2, while others think it might be Diablo himself. After all, his name is still on the box. We won't spoil the other theories here, but there are certainly a few "Diablo 4" characters that players think might match the fiery figure in the post-credits scene, and we'll find out once Diablo 4's post-launch content begins to roll out. We'll find out once Diablo 4 is released and content begins to roll out.

Curiously, people aren't really sure how to get this scene in the first place. Quite a few players responded to Blanco's tweet, saying they played the game, stuck around until the credits, and saw nothing at all. and promised a few players that he would look into it.

My theory is that players can only see the scene after the second play through of the campaign. From what I have seen, it seems that all of the players who are lamenting that they did not get the post-credit teaser have played the game once. On the other hand, many of those who say they got it seem to have played a second playthrough or helped someone else play the game after they had already played it themselves (this in itself may be the key: maybe you can only get it if you are helping a fellow player (This in itself may be the key: maybe you can only get it if you are helping a fellow player).

Anyway, let's add the post-credits scene to the Diablo 4 mystery pile. Which do you think will be unraveled first? The identity of the fiery figure or where the heck is that bull level?" Place your bets now.
