American McGee wants to part ways with Alice and urges fans to do so

American McGee wants to part ways with Alice and urges fans to do so

American McGee is putting the pain and frustration of EA's rejection of Alice's latest work in the past and urging fans of the series to do the same.

Earlier this month was not a good time for McGee's fans of his brooding take on Lewis Carroll's novel. On his Patreon, he revealed that EA had turned down Alice's pitch: the project was set up by McGee with the help of crowdfunding, with the intention of creating detailed pitch materials to get EA to fund the sequel's production. Despite the publisher's statement that Alice was "an important part of EA's overall game catalog,"

the publisher expressed no intention to resurrect Alice and create a third game from it.

Not surprisingly, this news came as a great shock to McGee and his fans. At the time, he stated that he had "pulled out of game production in general" and that he had "no ideas or energy left to create a new Alice game. Nor am I interested in pursuing new game ideas in the current game development environment," he added. McGee said that he is doing his best to move away from the series and wishes everyone else to move on.

"I understand how difficult this is for many of you," he wrote in a Patreon post (opens in new tab). I feel the same pain and anger as many of you." But, he added, " It's hard to admit right now, but eventually we will have to accept that this decision and the situation in general is beyond our control."

He continued that it was not his choice to give up, writing: "EA decided to destroy the project and Alice's future potential. That decision is then. But we can make our own decisions, and those are strong decisions to move forward. That is our strength. And it is often one of the most difficult decisions to make in these situations. But it is what we must do. So I ask you to move forward with me. If you decide to stay and continue to fight . That's fine. That's your decision. I respect that. And I hope you will respect my decision as well. Thank you."

For now, McGee seems to be sailing around Australia with friends. In a small FAQ, he said he may eventually return to podcast and stream on Twitch. 'It's too early to decide on something like this,' he said. 'Part of me wants to distance myself from the online world. But we'll see what happens when I return to land."
