Sean 'Day9' Plott Launches His Own Game Studio to Create "Massively Multiplayer PC Strategy Game"

Sean 'Day9' Plott Launches His Own Game Studio to Create "Massively Multiplayer PC Strategy Game"

Former StarCraft pro and current host of the PC Gaming Show (opens in new tab) Sean "Day9" Plott is well known for playing and talking about games. And now he's about to get into the business of making games: Plott announced on Twitter that he has founded a new game studio called "Day9's Game Studio" (opens in new tab).

"We have founded a game studio. And the plot," Plott tweeted." We are looking for a technical director and art director who are interested in working with me to create a multiplayer PC strategy game."

This actually happened.

This is actually not Plott's first foray into the world of game production: he spent several years at Artillery Games as a designer on the MOBA/RTS hybrid Guardians of Atlas, but left the studio in 2017.

Neither job posting says anything about the nature of Plot's game, but it will be built using the Unreal Engine, and more interestingly, Plot and perhaps a number of handpicked associates have been "for several years working on a multiplayer PC strategy game called Prototyping has been going on silently."

Plott, despite our contractual intimacy, didn't tell us anything about it, but when we spoke to him yesterday, he answered a few questions:

PC Gamer: Can you give us a hint as to what genre you're trying to tackle?" It's clear that many people are expecting an RTS.

Sean "Day9" Plott: As someone who has closely followed games and game company announcements (including hosting the PC Gaming Show, the greatest press conference in gaming), we take a "say absolutely nothing" approach. Frankly, games change a lot during development. In my opinion, it is more beneficial to both the game developer and the audience to reveal less information in the early stages of development. On our side, it eliminates the need to constantly "re-explain" changes as they occur. On your side, there is nothing to track or confuse since we are not saying anything. My dream is to simply open a gameplay video and wait until we can say "this is the game."

Why do you feel now is the right time to establish your own studio?

I have actually spent the last few years prototyping designs until I feel that enough questions have been answered. Only when we were satisfied did we begin the process of reaching out to investors.

A common (and absolutely brutal) pain point in game development is change. Any good developer knows that the first idea, the tenth idea, or the hundredth idea may not be good enough for the final product. Iteration is essential, but iteration is costly. With a large team, inflexible technology, and assets that no longer apply, change and iteration may feel like piloting an oil tanker. Designers may spend more time answering production questions than enhancing the design. Artists and engineers may lose sight of the overall vision. Producers may devise hopeless tasks, hoping that future iterations will not throw them off.

We've been there, and we wanted to make sure the game was clear enough before we secured funding and expanded our team.

What are some of the things you learned while you were at Artillery that you are bringing to your new company?

Huh. See previous answer: Artillery had a really great team, but there were too many unresolved design issues. So the new company spent a lot of time validating the design with concrete, playable prototypes.

I also feel that all the work I've done over the past 15 years has prepared me for this company. As a streamer, I have had the opportunity to share my game design thoughts on hundreds of games while receiving live feedback and critique from viewers; as the host of the PC Gaming Show, I have had the opportunity to speak with hundreds of developers about their experiences developing and launching new games and companies I have had the opportunity to speak with hundreds of developers about their experiences developing and launching new games and companies. I was also able to launch a game development project like "Straits of Danger" with the wonderful people at dotbigbang. Hopefully these lessons will teach you what to do and what not to do.

Do you have any inspirational messages for developers considering applying for the position?

I don't know if this is a benefit or a risk, but I am exactly the same in front of the camera and off. Thank you so much for thinking of us. We have spent years vetting our designs to ensure we are making what we are making. If you would like to help us realize our vision, please contact us.

Plott will return to host the 2023 PC Gaming Show on Sunday, June 11 on Twitch and other networks following the Xbox Games Showcase and Starfield Direct. If you missed the live broadcast, get in the mood with the PC Gaming Show: 2023 Preview

