Hackers demand "minimum 8-digit" ransom payment for data stolen from Western Digital last month.

Hackers demand "minimum 8-digit" ransom payment for data stolen from Western Digital last month.

Hackers are threatening to release data stolen in a March break-in of Western Digital's systems unless the company pays a hefty ransom. But the hard-disk-drive maker is not taking them up on it.

Earlier this month, Western Digital disclosed a "network security incident" in which "unauthorized third parties gained access to a number of our systems. The company did not release any additional information regarding the stolen data.

Techcrunch reports that hackers claimed to have stolen at least 10TB of data, including customer information. The hackers shared some of the stolen data with Techcrunch so that they could independently verify that it was legitimate. They said they intend to release the data unless Western Digital pays a "minimum eight-figure" ransom.

The hackers claimed to have attempted to contact Western Digital and "called them numerous times. They would not answer, and when they did, they would listen and hang up.

They also shared with Techcrunch a series of emails sent to Western Digital executives demanding money. The tone of these emails has become increasingly desperate and hostile over time." We only require a one-time payment, after which we will leave your network and inform you of your vulnerabilities. There is no permanent damage. But if there is any attempt to sabotage us or our systems, or anything else. We will fight back," the hackers wrote." We are still buried in your network and will keep digging there until we find payment from you. We can completely hide this from you and make it all go away. Let us do so before it is too late," they continued. 'Let's cut the crap, get the money, and go our separate ways. Simply put, let's put our egos aside and work to find a solution to this chaotic scenario."

The hackers refused to reveal their identities and said Western Digital was targeted "at random." If Western Digital did not agree to pay the ransom, the hackers said their data would be published on the website of the ransomware group Alphv.
