You won't be wasting your time with boring objectives and dead ends in the dungeons of "Diablo 4," which will be released this June.

You won't be wasting your time with boring objectives and dead ends in the dungeons of "Diablo 4," which will be released this June.

If there was one criticism that stood out in the (open in new tab) beta of Diablo 4, it was the paucity of dungeon types and the monotony of objectives within them.

Blizzard today released a blog post (opens in new tab) that looks like patch notes for Diablo 4, which will be released on June 6. Among the list of class changes is a section on how Blizzard has incorporated all of the beta feedback and adjusted the layout of some dungeons in the Fractured Peaks zone.

"Our main goal in changing the layout was to reduce certain types of backtracking that detract from the player experience," Blizzard says. They did not indicate what exactly has changed, but it is likely that dungeons are now more connected paths to get you where you want to go faster.

Dungeon events, or spontaneous goals to kill large numbers of demons for loot, now have a 60% chance of spawning, compared to a 10% chance in the beta. I explored many dungeons in the beta and can only recall encountering such an event a few times.

The beta of Diablo 4 was full of blocked paths and secondary objectives to open them; you had to split into two side paths and look for items to bring back; you had to go back and forth between the two paths to find the item you wanted to bring back. This whole process was very tedious, especially if you had seen the same objective many times; Blizzard agreed and made it so that carrying objects increased speed and planting them restored strength, resources and potions; according to Blizzard, you had to pick up keys The same adjustments will be made in dungeons.

Also, if you need to wipe out the last daemon in a dungeon, the daemon will now move toward you so you don't have to check all the way under a pile of rocks and bones.

Diablo 4's ending game video revealed a number of ways to collect gear for your character. Nightmare dungeons add difficult enemies and objectives to previously explored dungeons, which Blizzard says is why they want to avoid a completely random layout (opens in new tab).

Diablo 4 is scheduled for release on June 6.
