This free demo of the Grappling Hook Horde Survival Shooter has already got me hooked.

This free demo of the Grappling Hook Horde Survival Shooter has already got me hooked.

First spotted on AlphaBetaGamer (opens in new tab), the free demo of Van Hellswing (opens in new tab) has already received my heartfelt recommendation. Basically, it's like "Devil Daggers": horde-mode PFS survival against floating, swarming enemies.

This move is the star of the game. Despite its name, Van Helwing's signature move is more like a Zelda hookshot than a Titanfall or Spider-Man swing, but it is fun to use. With a moveset that includes double jumps, dashes, wall runs, and bunny hops, developer Codeclue has created the perfect bedrock for almost any kind of shooter, not just in the survival arena.

The only weapon is a double-barreled flintlock rifle used to take down swarming homing bats that increase in strength and number over time; if there is one mechanical complaint, it is that there is no clear screen shake or knockback to indicate that damage has been taken. Enemies bump into you and suddenly the screen cracks like a red spider web.

Other than that, Van Hellswing's prototype is a perfect bite-sized shooter. The best score shared on the game's official Twitter (open in new tab) account is over 70,000 points, but I've scored a high around 20,000 points on my best run touring the game so far. Developer Codeglue seems keen to expand on this concept in the future, and you can check out a demo at (opens in new tab).
