Blizzard Offers Free Housecleaning so You Can Maine Diablo 4 This Weekend

Blizzard Offers Free Housecleaning so You Can Maine Diablo 4 This Weekend

The first beta test of Diablo 4 took place last weekend, and while it was not without its problems (open in new tab), it was generally well received. Another demon extermination is scheduled for this weekend, but as an interesting idea to create a bit of buzz, Blizzard decided that what players really need in Diablo 4 is a release from this mortal realm, or more specifically, while you're in a dark room playing goblin mode, I've decided that it's someone who can do all the housework.

The sweepstakes runs until midnight (EST) on March 23, and players are asked to submit a to-do list of dreaded chores, with 100 winners randomly selected on March 24 to receive a $200 credit from Thumbtack, a cleaning service company, for The winners will receive a $200 credit to Thumbtack, a company that provides cleaning services. Oh, and no "bad taste" is allowed in the entries. Otherwise, Blizzard will send you to hell.

OK, Blizzard, the garden needs a little TLC and the nursery is a nightmare indeed. Oh, and it's US citizens only...

The promotion comes with a video showing someone playing a game while a hooded figure cleans windows and mows the lawn. I mean, this is actually a great idea, and if I were rich, I would gladly increase my gaming time by having someone else do the chores. Laziness" I like to think of it as efficiency.

Even without a helper from hell to polish the sideboard, this weekend's open beta should be a fun time; even PCG's Andy Chalk, an avid, gray-haired Diablo warrior, attended without much expectation and liked it a lot (new tab); perhaps this is Blizzard's return to a more classic vein, as "Overwatch 2" was somewhat underwhelming. Of course, that's no excuse for neglecting chores, but then who really needs that excuse?
