The rogue in Diablo 4 soloed most of the world bosses designed for 12 players. He would have if the Necromancer hadn't invaded and taken away his kills at 1% HP.

The rogue in Diablo 4 soloed most of the world bosses designed for 12 players. He would have if the Necromancer hadn't invaded and taken away his kills at 1% HP.

The Diablo 4 beta allowed us to experience one of the game's new challenges: Ashava the Pestilent, a world boss that can only be defeated once a week and has limited spawn times. This boss appeared four times during the open beta, which of course was more than enough for the avid minimaxers, who were able to defeat it in the funniest way possible.

Ashava is a massive dragon designed to be fought by up to 12 people, with some scaling depending on party composition, but not intended to be fought solo. Naturally, the Diablo folks wanted to do it, and one rogue in particular came agonizingly close. But that would not be honest. Because at the very last minute, the necromancer appeared in a flash and performed perhaps the most perfectly timed kill-steal ever.

Player Wudijo was streaming Ashava's solo attempt on hardcore difficulty (thanks, Icy Vein (opens in new tab)).

The fight starts around 40 seconds into the video, at which point Wudijo basically starts dashing around and doing huge damage at the same time. Ashava is a very large, very grumpy dragon that relentlessly attacks the player with claw attacks, AOE dashes, and various other attacks, but our Wudijo floats around like a butterfly and stabs like an ICBM, and after about 10 minutes of this, he is trying to solo brilliantly! It is clear that he is about to solo brilliantly.

Then, when the dragon's strength is as low as it can go, the necromancer and his skeletal minions enter.

As the necromancer's attack lands at the last moment, Udijo laughs, "Here comes the guy who's going to ruin my solo kill by 2%.

"Oh come on, Megalor. What a guy, coming in at 1% to take a kill. As the legendary loot spills from Ashaba's belly and the necromancer takes it, the players can only continue to laugh. Job done.

Almost unbelievably, Wudijo tried one more time to solo Ashava, but once again the necromancer jumped in, attacked a couple of times to take away his bragging rights, and just walked away. What is a necromancer?

These world bosses and the challenges they present will obviously be a major part of Diablo 4's longevity for the average player like me, and will be a challenge that the minimax will impose on itself more than anything else. Rogues disappointed by the necromancer's interference, don't be; shortly after Wudijo's attempt, another player, Vidjerei, posted a video of an incredible solo run against Ashava that was successful. The rogue's inner sight ability was amazing for the boss, and this was its best demonstration, and Ashava was annihilated. The boss, designed to fight with a dozen men, was down to one in three minutes. Not a single skeleton was in sight.
