Valve pays many developers to keep Steam Deck open source software going.

Valve pays many developers to keep Steam Deck open source software going.

The Steam Deck (opens in new tab) is phenomenal hardware, but the software behind it is equally impressive, from longtime open source mainstays like the Mesa graphics driver and Vulkan API to Valve's own Proton compatibility layer, Deck runs thanks to a lot of work by open source developers. Without them, the whole thing would be nothing more than a hunk of plastic. [In a recent chat with the Verge (opens in new tab), Steam Deck designer Pierre-Loup Griffais said the company pays more than 100 open source developers to work on the various pieces of software that make the Steam Deck work. Valve is also working on things like Steam for ChromeOS and Linux (Griffais didn't mention macOS, which makes sense given that launching Steam on a MacBook freezes in a panic). (Mr. Griffais did not mention macOS, but that makes sense given that launching Steam on a MacBook causes it to freeze in panic.)

Griffais said that Valve's bringing together open source developers is part of a "larger strategy to coordinate all these projects and build something like an overall architecture" for games on Linux. In other words, Valve is using its technological and financial muscle to steer the open source development cats in one direction and make Linux serve as a viable alternative to Windows for PC gaming.

I was surprised when I heard about this; Valve's commitment to Steam Deck is obvious, and the fact that they are working with and paying over 100 developers to keep open source inside really shows their commitment. But for those involved in Linux and open source development, this was not so surprising. As various commenters on this Reddit thread (open in new tab) attest, Valve has a hand in an incredible number of open source technologies at this point; even Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel, has gone on record as saying that Valve will "save the Linux desktop save the desktop" (opens in new tab). It is worth noting, however, that he was at least a little ambivalent about it. [This isn't the only Deck-related news we've heard from Valve recently; we've also learned that Valve wants to bring back the Steam controller (opens in new tab) (and let's face it, the Steam controller was great) and that Deck's designers have hinted about a revised Deck (opens in new tab) with a bigger battery and better screen. [Even if Valve's dedication to Linux and open source software is more of an escape route from Windows than a faithful devotion to free and open source principles, the fact that so many developers are being rewarded for their contributions to the company's projects is That's fantastic. Truly, 2022 is the year of Linux on the desktop.
