Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion Review

Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion Review

The tidal wave of nostalgia unleashed by the "Final Fantasy 7" prequel "Crisis Core" would have only brought another "Remembered Things" malaise in the hands of the wrong person: the game.

Look, it's Midgar. There it is again. There's Shinra's headquarters. Again. Sephiroth is back, and he's brought bootleg Sephiroth and Cloud v0.01 with him.

But "Crisis Core" is not that inferior, and I have no interest in superficially redoing old games. It is the story of Zack Fair, who first appeared in flashbacks in Final Fantasy 7, and of his RPG-equivalent friends and enemies who are created specifically for Crisis Core, given important roles here for the first time, or seen from an entirely new perspective. These new personalities bring fresh stories and perspectives to the game's popular setting, sometimes clarifying old, muddled plotlines, and sometimes adding further intrigue to events that seemed clear and well explained the first time around.

Zach is an easy character to like. He opens "Crisis Core" happily stomping through the world of "Final Fantasy 7" in his company-issued boots, eager to meet Sephiroth, the most heroic Soldier of them all, wiping out "Distortion" (the corporate term for "those who oppose Shinra") on command. This ignorant positivity subtly matures throughout the game, and his zest for life, far from waning, is reconfigured as a personal rebellion against an increasingly harsh reality. The voice cast, re-recorded and greatly expanded to represent this change (with some tweaking to the English translation), delivers convincing emotional delivery on every subject, from serious lines about his personal legacy to off-the-cuff jokes, and the voice cast of the Final Fantasy 7 remake returns when appropriate.

Crisis Core's birth as a PSP game brought some unexpected benefits. Thanks to this, the main story of Reunion continues to move at a brisk pace, and there are numerous automatic and manual save points along the way.

The 3D landscapes, which range from steampunk slums filled with detailed junk to lush villages with fruit hanging from branches, are all based on the 15-year-old game "Reunion" only in their general look and layout. Everything else is either new or borrowed, perhaps with some modifications, from existing models in "Final Fantasy 7 Remake" to the extent that it makes common sense.

However, Crisis Core is not as polished as the Remake. It is a little too simplistic or repetitive when viewed in HD, with unnamed NPCs flapping their puppet-like mouths when they speak, Zack repeating the exact same hand gestures, and noticeably compact areas that betray the game's handheld console roots. Some animations are also present. However, it is clear that Square's idea of a "low-budget" remake is very different from the norm, as it is relatively cost-conscious in places, and overall, Reunion is as modern as any other top-notch RPG.

Unfortunately, there are some severe limitations on how far PC gamers can push these graphics, as the available settings are basic. There are several standard window/resolution/V-sync/FPS options, as well as low/medium/high choices for shadows, textures, and AA. However, the camera and keybind settings are almost comically detailed, allowing the user to adjust everything from basic controls to camera behavior when encountering inclined surfaces. Overall performance is pleasant, with no stuttering or ugly pop-ins.

Crisis Core's old combat system has been almost entirely reworked and is definitely better. The revamped core commands (attack, dodge, guard) and intelligent lock-on system give Zack an action hero fluidity, while various subtle details add layers of strategic nuance. While many RPG battle systems rely entirely on math to determine whether an attack will hit or miss, "Crisis Core" instead emphasizes physical connection and on-the-fly positioning, with blows only met with a creepy abomination whose sword arm and spells are funded by Shinra to damage. Blows do damage only when sword arms and spells meet a spooky abomination of Shinra. The key to Zach's survival lies more in myself than in my status sheet. The ability to judge and react to incoming attacks is far more important than any boosted status or equipment.

It makes Zach feel like the victory is his own, every successful dodge is a testament to his personal skill, every quick clear is tangible proof of his ability.

Even magic is not just sparkling damage here. Icicles fall from above, but their narrow area of effect makes them difficult to use on moving targets. Powerful fireballs hit more than one. Gravity orbs take longer to hit an enemy, but if they do, they can destroy an enemy's health bar. Every spell has unique quirks that should be considered, so that the spell is not just spamming the most numerically effective option over and over again.

Running in the corner of the screen while all this is going on is the DMW (Digital Mind Wave), Crisis Core's casino-style slot system. These unpredictable bonuses give the battles a somewhat chaotic air: Zack temporarily becomes a spellcaster who summons dragons or an invincible warrior. These effects are always beneficial, so the constant changes in my tactics without interfering with the personal plan of attack I had in mind before the reels stopped spinning feels like a welcome chance to cause trouble in a different way for a while.

DMW is also directly related to the story. Sometimes the reel is replaced by flashes of past events, sometimes the action pauses completely for a few seconds (skippable) and new insights are revealed. This distraction mimics Zach's own wandering thoughts, and I found it unexpectedly moving, as the stark contrast between effect-laden battles and cherished memories gave this incessantly cheerful hero unparalleled depth and tender moments.

"Crisis Core Reunion" is an action RPG without fluff or substance, lightly stepping out of the long shadow of "Final Fantasy 7"; as someone who still has memories of playing "Crisis Core" on the PSP, the greatly upgraded graphics and re I still remember playing "Crisis Core" on the PSP, but the vastly upgraded graphics and reworked battle system made it worth replaying, and Zack's resolute (and ultimately futile) positivity still tugged at my heartstrings, even though I knew how his story was going to play out before I even installed the game.

With "Pixel Remasters," "Tactics Ooga," and now this title, it's clear that Square Enix's back catalog is in safe hands.

