Many game developers praise DwarfFortress on the occasion of its Steam launch

Many game developers praise DwarfFortress on the occasion of its Steam launch

Dwarf Fortress Becomes Top Selling Game on Steam [One of the most influential and unique games on the PC, this game, which has been in development for almost 20 years, is finally getting the mainstream recognition it deserves. other game developers who gathered at the launch to celebrate DwarfFortress' success and its impact on their own games The game has definitely received the recognition it deserves from the other developers as well. [Without DwarfFortress, Prison Architect would not exist," wrote developer Tom Pedarino, while Terraria's official Twitter account gave similar praise, saying, "This game has inspired Terraria a lot.

Caves of Qud did the same, and seems to have gotten the sense: "Dwarf Fortress is the most complex simulation game ever made, and the biggest influence on the video game Caves of Qud. The depth of the simulation, the tone of the design, the visual style. All are extremely foundational to the genre. All of it has influenced me and hundreds of other games."

Other developers and a surprising number of official accounts have offered their congratulations. While not uncommon in the indie community, there is something special about "Dwarf Fortress," which has long been a quirky exemplar of the breadth of PC gaming.

I'm just happy.
