Palm Pilot App Now Available at the Internet Archive

Palm Pilot App Now Available at the Internet Archive

Here you go, nostalgics of the 90s: Palm OS is back, and thanks to the Internet Archive, we can now load up the 569 and counting apps (open in new tab) created in the golden age of personal data assistants. While this is only a soft launch right now, as many games lack instructions or manuals, the depth of what's here is incredible. With a catalog of hundreds of apps and games, you would have thought I had completely disappeared into the mists of time. But I was wrong.

Now, for those of you under 30 who are very confused by the previous paragraph, here's the rundown: the Palm and Palmpilot were basically pocket computers, called PDAs (Personal Data Assistants) The Palm and Palmpilot were basically computers that fit in your pocket and were called PDAs (Personal Data Assistants).

They could also have been used to play games, albeit in a meeting or in class.

To emulate Palm apps, the archive actually loads the entire Palm OS, the software that ran the early smart devices. Jason Scott, the project's archivist and historian, told The Verge (opens in new tab) that it only took six months to get the CloudPilot emulator running in the archive.

If you want to click around for a few hours to pass the time on a late 90s classic, I suggest you dive into the PalmPilot game archives.

There are a lot of good ones, like Space Trader (opens in new tab), an endearingly simple space sim where you get ridiculously rich and try to buy the moon in order to retire.

This honestly says a lot about the Palm PDA user base and who was writing these games: people who will one day retire.
