Selected Kingdom Hearts fans

Selected Kingdom Hearts fans

Tuesday's midterm elections across the United States surprised many pundits and politicians who had expected a "red wave" of opposition. Maxwell Alejandro Frost, the new congressman from Florida's 10th District, is apparently obsessed with Kingdom Hearts.

A bilingual Democrat of Puerto Rican, Lebanese, and Haitian heritage, Frost is the first member of Generation Z, generally defined as born between 1997 and 2012; at 25, Frost just crossed that threshold, becoming the youngest person in Congress when he takes office in January.

It has become something of a public tradition to examine the social media archives of politicians, especially young politicians who seem to have spent their youth on this Internet version. When Frost won, his 2017 Twitter post resurfaced: he wrote, "I haven't played a video game in years, but I remember how great Kingdom Hearts is," and in the post, he linked to one of the game's iconic songs, "Dearly Beloved II He states. [because he previously served as the director of March for Our Lives, a series of hundreds of demonstrations and marches led by students supporting various gun control policies in the wake of the 2018 tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Frost's home state of Florida, Gun violence was a major issue for Frost's campaign.

While we would like to see more legislators playing PC games, as younger people enter government, the number of candidates who play games increases with each election. When Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez streamed "Among Us" on Twitch in 2020 with a popular figure, it had over 420,000 concurrent viewers, making it one of the top 20 Twitch streamers up to that point. Ocasio-Cortez has also spoken of his attachment to the League of Legends, reaching a Silver rank of 3 during the pandemic; as of 2021, the average age of members of Congress is 59.

Does the incoming congressman believe Goofy is good company, or is he just annoying?" asked Frost's campaign for comment. Meanwhile, Twitter reactions to the finding were as follows.
