I didn't think PAX Aus 2022 was going to be a lot of fun with extreme gaming PC builds.

I didn't think PAX Aus 2022 was going to be a lot of fun with extreme gaming PC builds.
[PAX Aus is, for us, one of the biggest conventions held in a land surrounded by oceans. The show floor is lined with exhibits from all areas of gaming, from tabletop to consoles and even PC games. If you want to see some of the coolest things in the gaming world, PAX's show floor will never disappoint.

One thing I never expected PAX Aus 2022 to be so exciting was PC gaming. Everywhere you looked, there were wild cases, fluorescent paint cooling units, crystal encrusted fans, and sometimes a combination of all of the above. Booths all over the floor were showing off their wild creations, so here are some of the best looking PC builds I saw at Pax Aus this weekend.

Life is a beautiful array of colors, a never-ending spectrum before us. So let's start with a few rainbow colored PCs. These are PCs that couldn't stick to one color on the show floor and chose all of them.

There are a few pastel colors in here as well, including this beautiful ethereal clean look and a vibrant AF rainbow light. Anyway, if you want to make a statement like this, you might find some sweet inspiration in these custom builds.

If you want your build to look a bit more cohesive, you can accomplish this fairly easily by limiting the colors. As wild as the concept is, you can create a really concise look by breaking the palette down to just a few colors instead of all of them. This way you can pick just a few colors that you really like and that match your setup and personality.

Although rainbow color builds dominated this year's Pax Aus, I still saw many beautiful PCs with restricted color palettes. In many cases, they were more eye-catching on the floor than the rainbows and served as a solid beacon of my admiration. Take a look at some of these harmonious builds in person in the gallery below.

For some, however, unifying colors just isn't enough. Those who have even more difficulty than unifying their gear with a color palette may possibly decide on a theme. Theme builds can be dramatic. We have seen some great ones over the years, like this chainsaw build (open in new tab) and the very dramatic Aolas build (open in new tab) currently in the works.

While I didn't see many themed builds while wandering around PAX Aus, I never missed a crowd. Whether you like bubble tea, anime, or "The Boys," there is always someone ready to build a cool PC to match your aesthetic dreams.

The last category that I saw all over the place was the open case style PC. They are often covered with a transparent cover, but I am not sure if that is simply to prevent sticky fingers in the exhibit hall. Either way, every time I saw one of these open-type builds, I had to stop and take a look. They are begging for your attention.

One reason for this is that they are open and you don't see them very often, but they also help in other ways. Often these are a bit more spread out and show more RGB than usual. I saw a lot of cool cases on my convention travels, but there is something next generation futuristic about these almost flat lay designs.

Of course, most of the PCs shown here are pretty top-of-the-line, with looks to match. Of course, you don't need to have a beastly PC with full specs to pursue a great aesthetic, but that's certainly not the point. With new hardware being released or about to be released, it's never a bad idea to think about how you want your hot new build to look, and the beautiful PCs on display at PAX Aus 2022 gave me an idea of what the future might look like.
