Add close combat to Fallout 4 with this alien invasion mod!

Add close combat to Fallout 4 with this alien invasion mod!

The presence of aliens in the Fallout world has long been known, and crashed spaceships and alien corpses have appeared in several games in the series: in the Fallout 3 expansion, you can be transported to the mother ship, and in Fallout 76, the alien invasion events.

In "Fallout 4" you can find spaceships and fight living aliens, but modder RascalArt has finally decided it's time to start an alien invasion.Zetans-Alien Invaders in the Commonwealth mod (new opens in tab), the extraterrestrial visitors finished their antics and made their true intentions known. The occupation of Earth by flying saucers and alien ground forces has begun. [The aliens in the Zetans mod seem to appear as random encounters, like other vanilla enemies in Fallout 4; after installing the mod and beginning to explore the world in search of extraterrestrial life, I came upon a startling sight. As I was crossing a field near an abandoned bridge, a flying saucer slowly rose from the ground, spun around, and began attacking me.

And it was kind of an amazing sight. I was transfixed by the sight of the flying saucer and just stood there as it began to bombard me with energy weapons. I was just standing there as it started bombarding me with energy weapons, because the alien soldiers were also firing at me from the ground. When I finally took them both out (it took a while because the saucers didn't have heavy weapons), I was rewarded with two things. First, the saucer hit the ground and caused a spectacular explosion, and second, the alien soldier I killed had a Zetan pulse rifle. Perfect. I use their advanced technology.

It's not just flying saucers and simple soldiers you have to fight. Zetan's ground troops have a variety of weapons and capabilities. There are basic Zetan grunts with blaster pistols and light armor, commandos with advanced rifles and cloaking technology, and even rocket troopers who fly around with jetpacks and dual pistol fire. An hour later, we also encountered a Zetan ruler who looked like a space wizard, wearing a long cape, attacking telekinetically, and flanked by two hovering combat drones. [There are different types of UFOs. There are standard flying saucers and more durable, heavily armored transport UFOs that can beam down squads of alien soldiers for ground assaults Even after installing the mod and playing for a few hours, I have yet to encounter the different flavors of Zetan. I know there are more of them out there. They are fun to fight and a nice difference from the vanilla mutants and monsters one encounters in the world.

Zetans are not alone. They have brought some cannon fodder with them, frog-like aliens called floggos, who are forced to serve the zetans. While out in the world, they may have to fight frog mobs, and some even roam around in armored mechs equipped with acid-spewing cannons. On the bright side, you can also liberate some cute little frogs. A frog named Frogbert is in the SpeakEasy basement in Concord, and you can add him to your followers. Don't forget to pick up his stuff from the nearby duffel bag: it contains a hat, armor, and other items you can equip him with. He's cute.

Rest assured that the aliens are not just there to kill you. In one particularly memorable close call, two saucers opened fire on a ghoul fighting a horde of bloodbugs in a swamp, and I was able to crouch down and watch as the UFOs circled around them, blowing everyone to pieces. Unfortunately, I was then blown to pieces.

If you want to bring an alien invasion to the Commonwealth, I definitely recommend it. It's great that you don't need any other mods to run Zetans mod, but you do need the Automatron add-on for Fallout 4 (opens in new tab). If you haven't gotten it yet, now is the time.

