Destiny 2" streamer finds best use for stadia! Looking for alternatives after closing.

Destiny 2" streamer finds best use for stadia! Looking for alternatives after closing.

Google Stadia is dead. Well, it dies in January. While it always struggled to stay on track, it had a dedicated fanbase and people who found incredibly clever ways to use it; Destiny 2 players will be familiar with Lucky "Luckstruck9" Rai, also known as "The Checkpoint Guy."

He uses his 11 Stadia accounts to share checkpoints with fellow raiders, cutting down on the tedious hours of loot hunting. This is something our Destiny Guy, Tim Clark, has made good use of. However, with the disappearance of Stadia, the future of Checkpoint Guy and the raiders who relied on him is uncertain.

Thankfully, Rae is already hard at work finding a new way. He tweeted that everything will be fine until Stadia closes on January 18, during which time he is "looking for new alternatives. He speculated in his reply that "GeForce looks promising right now, but it's not the most feasible option since there are still limitations on session length." The free version only allows one-hour sessions, but even the premium version has a limit of six hours.

Apparently there is also the option of running in a virtual machine, but this has its pitfalls, such as maintenance costs and having enough hardware to support all instances. In addition, there is the small matter of virtual machines being a potentially risky endeavor that could be technically prohibited.

Currently, the easiest solution, says Lai, is a broader effort. He says, "Community-based checkpoints are one of the easiest solutions, assuming people are comfortable with the system. There is now the ability to do that through Lai's Discord, and to get results similar to what he is doing with Stadia, he says, all it takes is "about 11 people to AFK at the same time."

A quick peek at Lai's Discord server shows that players are already hard at work brainstorming long-term solutions. In the discussion threads, a handful of users are throwing around a variety of ideas, but as of now, one mod says, "With the current plan, we are still considering all options." With just over 100 days to go until Stadia's disappearance, eager raid riders are looking at their ideas and, in some cases, enough time to provide checkpoints (we hope).
