U.S. State Department Sponsors "Virtual Exchange Program" for Aspiring Game Developers

U.S. State Department Sponsors "Virtual Exchange Program" for Aspiring Game Developers
[The U.S. government, through the State Department-sponsored Stevens Initiative, in collaboration with the nonprofit organization Games for Change, is launching a "virtual exchange program" for teenagers from the United States, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Israel. Called Games Exchange, the goal of the program is to bring students together "in creative dialogue and collaboration based on a shared interest in video games and game design."

The program will support 2,700 participants in grades 6 through 12, who will be grouped into teams to work on at least two projects based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals of their choice. Games for Change's trained teachers in the design curriculum will provide guidance, and support and feedback will be provided by "mentors drawn from academia, the games industry, and Game Exchange alumni." Participants will also have the opportunity to participate in virtual and in-person (perhaps once the pandemic is over) game jams. At the end of each school year, teams will submit their work to the Games Exchange competition, where finalists and winners will be announced at an awards ceremony.

"We felt it was important to be where the people are," Marie Royce, former Assistant Secretary of State for Education and Culture who helped develop the program, told The Washington Post. Young people have one thing in common, and that is they play video games." I think it's important to have an initiative on gaming. It's an opportunity to give everyone a chance to interact."

"By making video games, people develop tremendous skills related to the industry. They learn to think critically, develop STEM skills, and develop leadership skills."

Participants include middle and high schools in Atlanta, Detroit, and New York (specific schools to be determined at a later date); the Bahrain Ministry of Youth and Sports; Beit Berl College in Israel; Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art, and twofour54 Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. The program is expected to run through June 2023.

While cultural exchange programs are valuable tools for promoting peace, understanding, and development, it seems clear that the Game Exchange is intended primarily as a one-way transaction.

"Game design is an export, bringing U.S. expertise to the rest of the world. [Former Assistant Secretary of State Royce echoed similar sentiments: "At the end of the day, this is all about diplomacy."
