This guy's PC is buggier than "Cyberpunk 2077".

This guy's PC is buggier than "Cyberpunk 2077".

After being away from home for a month, this Reddit user returned home to play some PC games only to discover that his CPU and GPU had been overrun by "crazy ants."

After hastily disassembling the rig, blowing the ants like crazy with compressed air, and reassembling everything again, the ants seemed to have regained their new territory. He now coats parts of the rig with oil to keep the ants from crawling up.

It's a strange day when you have to oil your PC in order to play games, but it appears that it takes more than that to stop these creepy crawlies.

Apparently, this species of ant is notorious for getting into electronic devices. The Internet is littered with stories of ants marching toward high-tech devices in apocalyptic numbers, not two by two. They burrow deep into the circuitry of televisions, vacuum cleaners, monitors, and other devices, feeding off electricity as if they were feeding on it.

A Texas entomologist told the New York Times, "You'd think such stories would be laced with exaggeration, but once you get inside, they are unreal."

Piles of dead ants accumulate around the infestation site "like coffee grounds." These are called "middens" and are actually deliberate graveyards for fallen comrades.

If you know anything about ants, you will know that killing them will not deter further infestations. It is not like hanging pirates on the shoreline to prevent potential attacks. The ant pheromone (oleic acid) will only attract more ants. When one little creature is splattered, often a swarm of vengeful brothers rushes to the aid of their fallen comrade.

Well, perhaps it is a defense mechanism to protect the rest of the colony by disposing of the body rather than to avenge a fallen comrade. In any case, when this happens, one should not try to crush them.

The most logical advice in the comments section is to bag the PCs for a few weeks until the pests suffocate to death. This will not only prevent the pheromones from being shed, but it will also allow time to have the rest of the house professionally fumigated.

There doesn't seem to be a practical way to deal with an infestation on your own without making the whole ordeal ten times worse, especially in this species.

Still, when something like this happens, one has to laugh to keep from crying. One commenter gave an appropriate nod to the number of bugs encountered when "Cyberpunk 2077" was first released, and kudos to JR3D-NOT, "I'd like to thank you for your efforts to help us out, and I'd like to thank you for your support in helping us out.
