Call of Duty: Warzone, voiding a contract that turns the player into an unkillable god.

Call of Duty: Warzone, voiding a contract that turns the player into an unkillable god.

Call of Duty: Warzone's infinite stims glitch that regularly ruined matches may be a thing of the past, but new problems are always popping up, and the latest Warzone bug that Activision was quick to address was discovered yesterday, during a match It was an exploit that gave players complete invincibility. Whether it was bullets, vehicles, or melee attacks, players who were hit by this magic were able to pass it off.

To nip this potentially disastrous bug in the bud, Raven Software announced in a tweet today that it has voided Warzone's Most Wanted contract until further notice.

And it's never too early to say this: it was quite unsettling to watch three players shoot tons of ammunition from their ammo magazines at a single godforsaken enemy and get nothing done. Early reports from players indicate that some had accidentally activated this glitch, but it seems that this bug is reproducible if one knows the procedure. Also, even if someone had unintentionally encountered the glitch, it would not have stopped them from using their newfound power to ruin the game for everyone else, as they did this time.

Source SCAR020 on Reddit

Even if someone gets an unintended perk, the invincible player can run, jump, punch, shoot, and loot. Given that there was a bug that respawned as soon as the Most Wanted contract ended, the occurrence of this bug may be related to the introduction of a nuclear radiation zone on the map in yesterday's Warzone update. Players who die in this zone are immediately resurrected as zombies with unique powers.

This is not the first time Warzone players have discovered an unexpected God Mode. Just a few weeks ago, Activision was forced to disable it for the second time as attack helicopters made players invisible and unkillable. This time the glitch didn't make anyone invisible, but in some ways it was worse. It only revealed that the enemy was actually visible and that he was cheating.

If left unchecked, this new glitch could make Warzone unplayable for days. At the height of the infinitely irritating glitch (and its many repeated glitches), it certainly felt that way. Thankfully, Raven Software was able to flip the switch and address the issue this time around. Hopefully, there will be no further interruptions before next week's mysterious Warzone nuclear event.
