Steam-themed Apex Legends character abilities leaked.

Steam-themed Apex Legends character abilities leaked.

Some data miners have discovered the abilities of Pariah, a new legend in Apex Legends. (She is probably not the next Legend to be added, as other character details were leaked in advance.) According to Data Miner Tobias, aka @Biast12, Pariah's Tactical Ability is a Sonar Grenade, which makes hidden enemies appear for 15 seconds - probably a wallhack effect. Her Ultimate is called Sacrificial Romantic and activates a device that releases a "steam storm in all directions" but limits her movement. Her passive, Aplomb Training, makes her immune to its steam and stun effects and allows her to see enemy health bars.

In a movement-focused game like Apex Legends, being unable to move during Ultimate seems like a high price to pay, but then we don't know how long she will be frozen. The fact that she is given immunity to steam damage suggests that the blast radiates from the "SDM device" and not her. Thus, perhaps Pariah could set the device in motion and hide before activating it. Or perhaps she is expected to take one for the team, given that the word "Sacrificial" is included in her name.

Being able to see the health bar would be a great asset to have a highly communicative pariah player on the team who could let you know if someone is just one more blow away from being taken down or if they are heavily shielded.

Of course, as with all leaks, this information should be taken with a grain of salt and may change dramatically by the time Pariah comes to Apex Legends. Furthermore, Respawn has a history of toying with players; remember "Forge"?
