Double Fine announces that Psychonauts 2 is "playable" and will certainly appear this year.

Double Fine announces that Psychonauts 2 is "playable" and will certainly appear this year.

The original Psychonauts, Double Fine's scenario platformer about a summer camp for psychic freaks, was released in 2005, a full decade before a sequel was announced, and a little longer before a decision was actually made. Six years later, we still haven't gotten our hands on the game, but Double Fine said today on Twitter that this is definitely the year "Psychonauts 2" will finally arrive.

"Yes, 'Psychonauts 2' is coming this year, and I've been saying that for a while here and elsewhere, but I can't say when because someone at the company will make me have a mysterious 'cactus accident,'" Double Fine tweeted. 'But this is real. It is playable. It will come."

We have no idea what the cactus accident is, although Microsoft, which acquired Double Fine in 2019, is definitely "the company."

The timing of the tweet is no coincidence; today is the 16th anniversary of Psychonauts' release, but it is also worth noting that it reaffirms the 2021 release. Psychonauts 2 was supposed to be released in the summer of 2018, but was eventually pushed back to 2019, 2020, and then 2021. This time, apparently, they are serious.

And now, in celebration of being old enough to drive Psychonauts (and in anticipation of what's to come in the new film), let's look back at one of video games' greatest anti-heroes, Milkman. His milk is delicious.
