Elite Dangerous" pilot completes 85,000 light-year voyage without fuel scoops

Elite Dangerous" pilot completes 85,000 light-year voyage without fuel scoops

Without the fuel scoops that fill the tanks from Elite Dangerous' billions of stars, voyages tend not to go very far. Despite this, one clever pilot crossed the galaxy without it, traveling more than 84,000 light-years without siphoning fuel from a star.

Fuel scoops, supposedly a necessity for explorers, allow them to refuel from the surface of a star and wander endlessly through space far from civilization. This week, however, Commander Kabbooooom took to Reddit to announce that he had arrived at Ishum's Reach, the farthest point known from Sol, without equipping a single fuel scoop. This is 65.6K light-years in galactic crow flies, but Kabbooooom estimates the actual route map to be about 84,341.57 light-years (including accidental detours).

In this post, he outlines how he prepared Anaconda, the wrath of Tiamat, for the journey. However, even with the extra fuel tanks packed, the pilot was able to navigate "only" 10K light-years per tank.

But Kabblum was not alone on this journey. In his detailed logbook, the pilot explained that he was tracking various fleet carriers to the edge of the galaxy and back. The pilots would sometimes wait for weeks for a carrier to fly into a star system, filling up their tanks before embarking on the next trip.

Despite several close calls, and despite the hull's near 0% integrity, Kabbloom eventually made it to Ishmuz Reach. But this was not the end of his journey. He hopes to sail directly into the void from here, sailing as far as he can go and setting a record for the farthest he has traveled from Sol without a fuel scoop.

"By my calculations, I can travel about 90 light years, or about 16 days straight, beyond the reach of Ishum on a supercruise (this would probably take several months, with the game on while occasionally doing other things)," Kabbooooom wrote. And there should still be enough fuel left over to fly back safely."
