This Australian politician is fed up with cyberpunk "woke" damage types

This Australian politician is fed up with cyberpunk "woke" damage types

Political topics in gaming are, for some, sensitive. But Australian Congressman Craig Kelly seems far more concerned about the depravity of the four elemental damage types in "Cyberpunk 2077."

On Saturday, Senator Kelley commented on the topic of Dr. Seuss's estate organization's decision to cease publication of six of his books (currently a hot topic among conservatives) by comparing the news that "Cyberpunk 2077" has sold nearly half a million copies in Australia with the news that "Cyberpunk 2077" has I tried to make my point by comparing it to the news that "Cyberpunk 2077" has sold nearly half a million copies in Australia. That's already an odd comparison, but it gets even weirder when Kelly explains what's wrong with CD Projekt's latest.

Readers, I have a hard time understanding this issue. Since its release, Cyberpunk 2077 has been subjected to its fair share of criticism, including being released in a buggy state and causing some players to have seizures. Forget about that, Kelly argues. The real problem with cyberpunk is that its four damage types represent the hypocrisy of "woke" culture.

How can we, as exemplars of virtue, take them seriously when cyberpunk can resist or inflict thermal damage?"

Perhaps Kelly really has his finger on the pulse of a long-suffering society. 'My family and I live in constant fear of four kinds of damage, especially EMPs. 'My wife has a knife blade in her forearm that would devastate us if it were rendered useless. [Not even the dagger in my wrist or my sister's firearm could save our family. Help us get back to normal, Craig."

Time will tell if voters will respond to this promise to finally address the ghosts of the four damage types. We can only hope.
