The next patch for Hearthstone will make the "Battle Ready" deck available for purchase and add the Quilboar race to the Battlegrounds.

The next patch for Hearthstone will make the "Battle Ready" deck available for purchase and add the Quilboar race to the Battlegrounds.

In February, Blizzard revealed that Quilboars would be the next minion type to appear in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. And today, it was announced that they will be coming in the next major update, which will be released next week. The patch will include three new heroes, 17 new minions, and a new spell type called Blood Gem that gives +1/+1 to allied minions. From the looks of it, it appears that some quillboars will interact specifically with Blood Gems.

Battleground matches will continue to be limited to five minion types after the addition of Quilboars, with three minion types excluded from each match. However, Quilboars are not one of them: Quilboars will appear in all matches until the next major content patch, and if it is anything like the previous updates, players will be "forced" to play Quilboars-based comps for at least the first few weeks More details on the Quilboar update will be revealed in the 20.2 patch notes to be released tomorrow.

But that's not all: Blizzard has announced "Battle-Ready Decks" to help players gain an edge in Hearthstone's Standard Constructed mode. Available for purchase only once per account, players will be able to choose from 10 pre-built decks (one from each class) and use them to build their own Hearthstone decks. one from each class) to choose from.

"Once these Battle Ready Decks are available, a complete deck of the selected class can be added to the permanent collection. Each Battle Ready deck is handcrafted using data from hundreds of thousands of play sessions to ensure that you bring home a battle-worthy list."

The Battle Ready decks will be available for $20 each for three weeks after they are listed in the store. That's why they don't go on sale immediately after a new expansion is released: "We want to take care of the exploration phase of each expansion.

"We always need time for the meta to settle in, because we need time to analyze the results data to decide which decks to offer.

As far as the decks offered, Blizzard is not kidding about being data-driven. These are strong decks that are currently in play on the ladder, which is why most decks include multiple legendaries and epics. At this price point, even players with entire collections will be able to pick up and get rid of the extra cards. However, they will not receive the Core card dust. If you already have the full collection and just want the crafting currency, someone must be able to quickly calculate which deck is best to buy.

This is probably also the reason for the restriction that players can only buy one per account, as Blizzard has stated that they are testing limited sales "to gauge community interest before deciding how much this restriction should be expanded" in the future There is a possibility that this restriction will be expanded.

Hearthstone designer Alex Dawson noted on Twitter "for the sake of transparency" that upcoming balance changes may affect cards in the Battle Ready deck, but said the details have not yet been worked out He stated that the details have not yet been finalized.

Blackthorn's Brutes - Demon Hunter

Battle for the board with spiky Quilboar protecting Watch Posts until the late-game powerhouses enter the battlefield. 30 cards: 3 legendary, 4 epic, 8 rare. cards.

Dark Moonbeast - Druid

Increases mana early and can stain your opponent if you can survive until late game. Contains 2 legendary, 10 epic, and 2 rare for a total of 30 cards.

Barrens Stampede - Hunter

Swarm the board with an early "Corker Swarm Run" and crush your opponent's will with a well-timed "Stampeding Rhino" 30 cards: 3 Legends, 6 Epics, 6 Rares.

Aegwynn's Army - Mage

Starts slowly but swings the board in your favor with powerful reactive spells. Take advantage of Egwin's never-ending Death Rattle to set up a burst finish: 4 Legends, 2 Epics, 5 Rares.

Holy Secret - Paladin

Take control of the board with tricky secrets and tenacious minions. Chip damage early on and finish it off with a "conviction" at the end. Contains 30 cards: 3 legendary, 6 epic, 6 rare.

Xyrella's Blessing - Priest

Stay calm and control the early game. Look for healing combos and powerful dragons to overwhelm your opponent. 30 cards: 3 Legends, 4 Epics, 6 Rares.

Field Agents - Rogue

Speed up your deck with secrets, battle crystals, and combos, and finish off your opponent with fire-breathing dragons. 30 cards: 4 Legends, 2 Epics, 10 Rares.

Force of Nature - Shaman

Combine the power of nature and Vulcan to unleash a massive burst of damage on your opponent and their board. Contains 30 cards: 4 legendary and 7 rare.

Shadowed Souls - Warlock

Control the board with an abundance of removal methods and turn the tide with the King of the Burning Regiment. 30 cards included: 4 legendary, 2 epic, 8 rare.

Rokara's Rushers - Warrior

Utilize Conditioning to buff a large number of minions and overwhelm your opponent with powerful Rush synergy. Contains 30 cards: 3 legendary, 5 epic, and 9 rare.

No rollout date for Battle-Ready Decks was announced, but check for FAQs anyway The 20.2 patch was released on May 4, and the full patch notes are available at

