This new Steam game is the same as "Along Us" except it's a duck.

This new Steam game is the same as "Along Us" except it's a duck.

It takes about 0.4 seconds to realize that "Goose, Goose, Duck" is a pastiche of "Along Us". No, I'm not talking about "Duck, Duck, Goose" (a popular game for kids that involves running in circles and occasionally bumping into each other at high speed). That game is fun and very creative. On the other hand, "Goose, Goose, Duck" is just one in a long line of cloned games trying to capitalize on the huge success of "Among Us."

The structure of the game is all the same: you and up to 15 other players board a maze-like ship and must complete various tasks to win. However, some players secretly antagonize the team and try to kill everyone without getting caught. The "twist" You are the birds! In space! Unintelligible!

While it is easy to condemn these copycat games as low effort attempts to ride on the coattails of other games, I do appreciate that "Goose Goose Duck" contains some useful improvements over "Avatar Ass". For one thing, while "Along Us" currently supports only 10 people, "Goose Goose Duck" supports up to 16 (with plans to increase to 15 in a future update). It also has built-in voice communication and alternative modes like hide-and-seek. What I find a bit intriguing is the mention of the role of options like the Dodo bird and "morph rings".

Goose Goose Duck is currently available on Steam Early Access and is free to play; if you have 16 friends who want to play Along Us and for some reason like birds, it might be worth a look.
