Valheim mod allows you to enjoy a deadly game of chess.

Valheim mod allows you to enjoy a deadly game of chess.

PvP has never been a priority in the Viking survival game Valheim, and it is much more fun to cooperate with other players. However, it is fun to occasionally turn on PvP and have a skirmish or duel for a breather from carving up the gravedwarves and draugr

The Civilized Duels mod allows you to challenge other players to a game of chess. It's a fight to the death.

The mod works with real-life chess rules: one player must challenge the other to a chess death match by slapping the other player with a fish. This is standard, boilerplate chess procedure. Do you think Garry Kasparov got where he is today without slapping some grandmasters with fish?

Once another player is beaten and both have PvP enabled, they can play a browser version of chess in Valheim. It is timed, and each player has a total of 3 minutes. Whoever loses the match dies with honor as a Viking (explodes, leaving all belongings on the tombstone)

Watch the Vi-King's Gambit in action:

This mod is considered "highly experimental" by its creator, DickDangerJustice It is considered, and you may encounter some speed bumps during the chess deathmatch. DDJ states on the Civilized Duels page of Nexus Mods, "Chess is supported by a centralized server, so if the server goes down, the mod may not work properly. "If you get stuck in duel mode, the default escape hotkey is 'P'. Pressing it will kill you and you will lose your chess game. I may be able to come up with a better solution, but for now this works."

As for the fish that issue the challenge, you can make them from wood at the craft table, so you don't even have to go fishing first. Fun fact: Kasparov's chess fish were always handcrafted from the finest red oak. Red oak slap is good.
