Apex Legends is breaking Steam's concurrent player record.

Apex Legends is breaking Steam's concurrent player record.

Apex Legends has been very busy this week. With the start of Season 9, new Legends, and the new 3vs3 Arena mode, more players tried to jump in yesterday than the servers could handle under the strain; Apex's servers are still having intermittent issues, but that hasn't stopped the team from breaking player records on Steam, This week is shaping up to be the most successful week ever for Apex Legends.

Apex Legends first launched on Steam in November 2020 and typically maintained around 100,000 concurrent players; according to SteamDB, Steam's most successful games like PUBG and CS:GO have over 400,000 and 900,000 players respectively This is a healthy player base, though small compared to many that have over 400,000 players. However, Apex is on the rise, reaching an all-time peak player count of 313,839 on Wednesday. This number of concurrent players would be much higher were it not for ongoing server issues.

Apex Legends is also available on Origin and consoles, though player numbers have not been released for either; if Arenas is a hit, Apex's Steam record could become the new norm.
