Call of Duty: Warzone" brings the 80s in with a Rambo cameo.

Call of Duty: Warzone" brings the 80s in with a Rambo cameo.

"Call of Duty: Warzone" has gone back to the 80s with nuclear war. This means Verdansk has gone back in time decades, but Activision seems to be embracing the hair-metal decade by bringing Rambo into the battle royale.

The Call of Duty account teased Sylvester Stallone's action hero cameo earlier this week with an ambiguous tweet, posting a stat sheet for a player named SurvivorJohn #1009062 with five fights, five wins, and an infinite K/D ratio.

The antics prompted players to ask for the '80s action star to appear on Warzone with a ?

Pop culture is infatuated with 80s nostalgia, and video games are no stranger to it. Rambo joined the ranks of Robocop and Terminator last year in Mortal Kombat 11. Meanwhile, Fortnite dedicated an entire season to effectively sucking up action heroes from film, television, and video games, with Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor teaming up with aliens and terminators (and Predator, Master Chief, Mandalorian, etc.).

In "Call of Duty: Warzone," cameos were less daring. But seeing as how "Black Ops - The Cold War of the 80s" was such an explosive hit, it wouldn't be too wild to have a movie star or two in the film. Perhaps they could appear with a thematic weapon.

Thanks, Eurogamer.
