Fall Guys" studio accidentally leaks source code to Steam.

Fall Guys" studio accidentally leaks source code to Steam.

The weekend started off very interesting for "Fall Guys" studio Mediatonic, which apparently leaked the game's source code in an accidental update to Steam.

This was of course quickly removed, but not before SteamDB creator Pavel Djundik noticed this major banana slip and captured it for posterity.

The name of the directory where everything leaked out into the digital ether, "BackUpThisFolder_ButDontShipItWithYourGame," makes the whole thing look even more ridiculous to an outsider's eye, but in fact, the PDB files and script-generated C +++ code, and other data automatically generated by Unity to store the data needed to debug the game. In case the folder name isn't clear enough, Unity's documentation also warns developers that they should "back up this folder for every build you ship, but do not redistribute it."

This incident is almost certainly not something that Mediatonic sees as a laughing matter; Fall Guys, like other multiplayer games, has struggled with cheaters. Having access to the source code has made it easier for cheat makers to develop new, more effective ways to ruin everyone's fun, and I hope that won't be a problem as Mediatonic has moved quickly to take the files offline, but I'm sure the code will be removed I don't have super-confidence that it didn't fall into someone's hands before it was removed, and this kind of stuff is quick and easy to get around.

I have contacted Mediatonic for more information about the leak (in particular, how it happened). In the meantime, never forget.
