AI Knows When You're Being Sarcastic on Twitter

AI Knows When You're Being Sarcastic on Twitter

The future is speeding toward us and AI is getting smarter with each passing day. You've probably seen AI playing games for you, and if you're using a 30-series Nvidia GPU, you've probably used their DLSS supersampling AI technology to upscale your game resolution. But you probably don't know that AI can now not only detect sarcasm, but also rap about it.

Even we humans have difficulty expressing sarcasm in writing. Thankfully, researchers at the University of Central Florida's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) have developed an AI that can recognize the tone of Internet trolls with over 80% accuracy on Reddit and over 90% on Twitter (via Engadget).

According to a recent press statement from DARPA's Social Sim project, the researchers "identified words from input data such as tweets and online messages that provide important cues of sarcasm, such as sarcastic connotations and negative sentiment, using an interpretable We have demonstrated a deep learning model."

The AI works using "recurrent neural networks and attention mechanisms" through which it "tracks dependencies between cue words and generates classification scores that indicate whether irony is present." [This in itself is an impressive achievement and may form the basis for AI moderation of forums and social media in the future. However, in the same news sweep, we discovered that AI has started to wrap.

We knew that AI could write speeches, screenplays, and even full-fledged novels, but this was a new take on the uncanny valley.

Okay, so it's not strictly AI rapping. In an email to The Verge, a representative from Replica, the company that produced the chilling video, admitted that it was "created for fun at an internal hackathon using a new feature we are developing and has not yet been released to the public. It's basically an AI matching voices to the timing and beat of a Replica employee's crazy rhymes. I didn't write the jam or anything, so don't get too excited.

While AI won't replace the rap gods anytime soon, the commenters may be able to distinguish between those who really enjoy the performance and those who despise it.
