Bio-mutant's annoying narrator can now be turned off.

Bio-mutant's annoying narrator can now be turned off.

Now you can roam Biomutant's wonderfully bizarre open world without an Attenborough-esque narrator speaking childish words.

This ambitious open-world creature adventure launched last week to fairly middling reviews. While much of this can be attributed to the weightless combat and outdated structure, Biomutant also drew criticism for its narrator. The narrator is a Stanley Parable-like figure, who is the sole voice of the game's characters, with a strangely cute and twee tone of voice over the game's events.

"David Shaw Parker's performance as the omnipotent narrator isn't bad, but his sweet-talking tone often clashes with the embarrassingly twee and fragmented English," James wrote in his review of Biomutant. "I never want to hear another Shakespearean voice describing piss and shit as 'yellow juice' or 'brown bob.'"

Thankfully, this week's update allows the game's narration to be toggled off. You can now choose whether you want to listen to the dinky narration from the game animals, the narration, or both. Small adjustments were also made to the timing and volume to improve the flow of the dialogue.

The update also includes numerous bug fixes and tweaks covering everything from combat and quests to UI, sound, and worldview. In addition, Experiment 101 added an "Extreme" difficulty mode and a New Game+ mode that allows players to choose perks from all classes.
