Skyrim's Got Talent" Mod Adds Progress System for Aspiring Bards

Skyrim's Got Talent" Mod Adds Progress System for Aspiring Bards

Bard mods have been around as long as the history of Skyrim. As such, I'd like to introduce another bard mod. This mod has a fun progression system that allows you to start out with a bad instrument, but as you practice more and more, you get better at it.

Skyrim's Got Talent is a mod for Skyrim Special Edition that allows you to learn about 100 different instrumental songs for drums, flute, and lute. Each instrument has five ranks: Clueless, Beginner, OK, Pretty Good, and Master. Each rank improves your skill and adds new songs to your repertoire.

And don't just play to the faceless NPCs who happen to be nearby. Characters in the game react dynamically to your music by uttering various lines, clapping, dancing (a little), or just gathering around you to watch and listen. If you suck at it, trust me, they will let you know it with rude or horrifying comments.

Below, let's see this modification in action:

Practice is not the only way to improve embarrassing out-of-tune notes. You can pay another bard to train you, or you can attend a bard training school to speed up your learning. As your skills improve, you can perform in taverns and inns to earn coins. Some skills may apply buffs or debuffs after playing, but they are trivial, such as slightly increasing or decreasing maximum strength or raising or lowering store prices for a few minutes.

Another mod, Bad Ass Bard Songs, is required to run Skyrim's Got Talent. However, it may not be compatible with other bard mods already installed. This mod can be found at Nexus Mods.
