Titan Souls" is now free on Steam for a limited time.

Titan Souls" is now free on Steam for a limited time.

Perhaps you've seen the news about Death's Door, one of several bird-based games on display at this year's E3. Death's Door" is the work of Acid Nerve, the indie studio behind the top-down boss battle puzzle adventure "Titan Souls.

"Titan Souls" is a game in which every battle is a boss fight, and there is only one arrow. Fortunately, that arrow is reusable, and if you get shot, you can zip back to your bow, and all 20 bosses (the titans of the title) can be taken down with a single shot to the right spot. But finding that spot and solving the puzzle to expose it is not easy.

We gave the game a score of 87% and described it this way: "Everything freezes when the perfect shot is scored, accented by a single blow of the cymbal. The music stops, the colors disappear from the game, and for a few seconds you bask in the fact that you have overcome all odds. There was no cheap game or finding the easy way out. You hit the Titan's weak spot and put an arrow right in the middle of it. Well done. You are a bloody hero."

If that's your thing, get Titan Souls on Steam by Monday, June 14 at 10 a.m. PT.
