Apex Legends trio doubles temporarily this week

Apex Legends trio doubles temporarily this week

A server misconfiguration temporarily increased the number of Apex Legends teams to five at the start of this week's Genesis Collection event; Respawn quickly patched this issue, but the developer has not ruled out properly testing larger squads in the future.

The new period of time is not a new period of time.

Along with new limited-time cosmetics, two classic maps returned to Apex Legends this week, along with some fairly major balance changes. However, one unintentional adjustment surprised players who found their teams a bit larger than usual.

"There was a little misconfiguration on the server and all teams were set to a size of 5.

"Not going to lie, a game or two would be super fun.

Despite the count being 5, many players found themselves exceeding it with 6 player teams, causing a strange situation where several players were cut off from their victory screens.

Reaction to the bug has been surprisingly positive, with Reddit players calling for it to be brought back in some form; Apex has previously experimented with different team sizes, including a limited-time solo queue and the now permanent duo mode.

L promises to "make sure Reed hears this feedback," but says this is not a guarantee that it will drop in a 5-person squad. Nevertheless, let's hope for the best - after all, knowing that five extra pairs of eyes are watching your back will make you much more confident in hot-dropping Skulltown

