Matt Hancock's office is recreated with a build engine, but quickly loses control

Matt Hancock's office is recreated with a build engine, but quickly loses control

It has been said that you can be in London for more than five minutes and never run into a pret-a-manger. That is equally true of Dan Douglas's build-engineered knockoff of the British capital, the most relentlessly mundane British chain I've seen since someone put Greggs in Far Cry 5.

Late last month, avid Twitter user Douglas began a modest project. Using the Build Engine (the tool used to run 3D Realms games like Duke Nukem 3D in the 90s), he is recreating the office where UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock was caught violating cobit regulations by cheating on his wife. Very topical and very good work.

The initial goal was to install working surveillance cameras in this office and leak vile information to the pixelated tabloids. Since then, however, Douglas has become obsessed with recreating not only the room, but the entire main street of England.

Like Greggs in Far Cry, I love to see mundane and somewhat vulgar British stores recreated in video games. Douglas's thread features not only middle-class haunts like Pret (a coffee chain that vaguely resembles France) and Sainsbury's grocery store, but also a cheap photo developer and a real estate agency vandalized with "Tory scum" graffiti.

He included a custom texture for the Quorn sausage roll, despite admitting that the packaging has "lost continuity" since it was designed long before the Hancock scandal.

There is something hypnotic about seeing such a common and familiar object incorporated into a game. With the exception of the bizarre "Watch Dogs: Legion" and "Forza Horizon 4," the UK doesn't often appear in games, and when it does, it is often washed with the absurdly serious and consistently embarrassing imagery that characterizes this strange little island.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to recreate Scotmid from Half-Life 2.
