Fans Can't Stop Dunking on CDPR's Fun Cyberpunk 2077 Stats

Fans Can't Stop Dunking on CDPR's Fun Cyberpunk 2077 Stats

One has to admit that CD Projekt Red is a bit of a trendsetter when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077. Not in the way one might expect, but thanks to the many "bad news in black letters on a yellow background" posts from the studio before and after the game's release, they have given birth to an apology generator.

CD Projekt Red has not entertained us with an apology-style image since December 18 of last year. Thankfully, the game's Twitter account has been sending out a few statistics over the past few months under the hashtag #CyberpunkInNumbers. This statistic has been largely unknown to cyberpunk fans until now.

Yesterday, a parody post of the cyberpunk statistic appeared on the gaming subreddit, mocking the lack of car customization with an infographic that read "0 million spent on car and truck customization." A handful of redditors have continued to post multiple shitposts over the past few hours, and they are indeed quite funny.

Most of the posts seem to be light-hearted venting of frustrations with the game. For example, one declares that players have altered their physical appearance a total of zero times, stinging the fact that for some odd reason they can't take V for a haircut or a shave. Even Geralt could occasionally find a razor.

Another popular parody points out the inability to shoot a gun from a car that cannot be customized. It is odd that the ability to shoot a gun from a car appears to exist in the game, but is only used in a handful of missions.

My personal favorites are the ones that lament the lack of a usable subway system and the 7.3 million Houdini-level cops who love to teleport behind you.

Many of the comments on these posts are purely from fans who are still disappointed with the state of the game. One Redditor writes, "I understand that the project was ambitious, but the broken promises and the actual delivery (plus a few other things of lesser importance) have been a huge disappointment." 'It's been almost six months and they haven't even gotten to the point of fixing the game's existing problems, let alone adding missing features. It just goes to show how unfinished this game is."

The general consensus still seems to be one of disappointment and disdain for the game; many of the posts that populate the Subreddit still consist of bugs, memes, and arguments about whether cyberpunk has a future as a game. Despite the harsh sentiment against the game, it didn't stop the game from reappearing on the PlayStation Store and topping the June charts after only nine days.
