Night Dive unveils VR controls for "System Shock 2" Enhanced Edition.

Night Dive unveils VR controls for "System Shock 2" Enhanced Edition.

When Nightdive Studios ran a Kickstarter to fund a remake of the original "System Shock" with a new engine, it fell short of its $3 million stretch goal of VR support. While that remake is still in development (fingers crossed for a 2021 release), Nightdive is simultaneously working on an enhanced version of the sequel; we hadn't heard much about its progress recently until this tweet from Nightdive.

This is System Shock 2 played with an Index controller, Valve's virtual reality setup. You can knock over ladders, "Die, monkey!" and killing a super-powered monkey with a wrench while shouting, there seems to be some one-on-one, arm-waving action. Those who played "System Shock 2" back in the day will know the feeling.

There are a number of aspects of System Shock 2 that would surprise you in virtual reality, such as being told a menacing monologue in the first level. It's a pretty scary game thanks to its impressive sound design, but while it would be cathartic to stimulate the brain of a screeching monkey, I wouldn't want to experience that in VR.

As for System Shock 3, which was being developed by Otherside Entertainment, no new developments have been made since it was announced in May that publisher Tencent had taken over.

So when can we expect a VR version of "Thief" and when can we expect a VR version of "The Dark Project"?
