Tim Schafer has written the script for "Psychonauts 2"

Tim Schafer has written the script for "Psychonauts 2"

Say what you will about Double Fine's back catalog, but you can almost always count on witty banter from the studio's characters. This week, the script for "Psychonauts 2" came to a close with the announcement that Tim Schafer has written the final lines of dialogue for "Psychonauts 2."

Schaefer took to Twitter last night for a brief celebration, also revealing that Double Fine will be holding its final voice-over recording session this week. Feeling old already?

Despite the postponement of its planned 2019 and 2020 releases, Double Fine is confident that it will release Psychonauts in 2021. It may even succeed. A developer update over the winter break explained that all levels have been included in the game, with only last-minute additions and polish left before launch


These final touches reportedly include things like credits and cutscenes, as well as a post-game epilogue that allows players to roam freely through the game world. Last month's update also highlighted that the game was made with zero crunch. This is a change from the first game, which was made under "the worst crunch mode ever," according to Schaefer.

And once "Psychonauts 2" is completed, Tim may approach Duncan Jones about a "Full Throttle" fan script project. What do you think, guys?
