Assassin's Creed Valhalla" Update Crashes Floating Ship, Prevents Whale's Aerial Escape

Assassin's Creed Valhalla" Update Crashes Floating Ship, Prevents Whale's Aerial Escape

New "Assassin's Creed" Patch Released for PC: A new patch for "Valhalla" has been released for the PC version of the game, fixing a number of issues both large and small. War cries no longer "repeat or loop strangely," Aver no longer starts gliding after blowing his horn and starting to walk on his left foot, and NPCs no longer run away screaming from an attack, only to casually return to the scene a few minutes later.

Among the more significant changes is "addressing the issue of removing Bjorn from the ship's crew."

Bjorn is a character you meet in the "Way of the Berserker" mission and should then be recruitable in the settlement. For various players, however, he was replaced by a random NPC or simply could not be hired.

There are tons of small mission fixes, AI tweaks, bug squashing, etc. in the patch notes. What I love about these things is discovering odd behavior that the majority of players will never encounter, but which is obviously happening enough to draw Ubisoft's attention. The patch "addresses an issue where whales sometimes initiate escape behavior in mid-air." The whales are in the waters of Valhalla and, as the image above shows, they are intruding. As a result, the whales may breach next to the Vikings' ships that are sailing and suddenly begin fleeing in mid-air.

In Vinland, until this patch, it was possible to kill NPCs by throwing corpses at them. The area also had boats that just floated around unaffected by gravity. Some guards shrugged their shoulders as they watched Aver burn their comrades in an oil pot. What is the Ultimate Riddle addressed a problem that was preventing players from completing the clues and riddles. Unsolvable

Check out our review of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and get down to business about why it's PCG's "RPG of 2020."
