Call of Duty: Warzone" Outsmarts Third-Party Status Tracking Apps by Changing Privacy Settings

Call of Duty: Warzone" Outsmarts Third-Party Status Tracking Apps by Changing Privacy Settings

Warzone has never been without controversy. Particularly controversial is the emergence of various stat-tracking apps, such as COD Tracker and Warzone Companion. These apps allow players to check the composition of lobbies in real time, and some claim that they can manipulate the game's matchmaking by withdrawing from "unfavorable" lobbies.

Players are very upset with Warzone's skill-based matchmaking, not necessarily for good reason, and these apps definitely do little more than add fuel to the fire. if you want to know how SBMM actually works, you can learn more about it here. Here's a primer if you want to know how SBMM actually works.

Activision has now put a stop to this by making changes to the basic privacy settings of all players, so that the information these apps relied on is no longer accessible by default.

While this change is rather devastating for Tracker and other apps, Activision has allowed players to set their permissions to allow API access. From now on, however, the privacy setting for all player profiles will be "Friends and External Tournaments" only by default (which arguably should have always been the case)

In other words, those who want to use such apps to analyze their own and their friends' play can do so And the rest of us should just play the game. And they are asking that the Stim glitch be removed.
